The Seasonal School will involve a pool of international experts in the
field. All of them play major roles in topics relevant to the school
goals. The tentative pool of lecturers is as follows (all have expressed
their willingness to participate):
Pedro Lima (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
Topic: Probabilistic Benchmarking, Model-Based Robotics and
Other Ideas
Olivier Michel (Cyberbotics Ltd., Switzerland)
Topic: How Open Source Robot Simulators are becoming a
Fundamental Benchmarking and Reproducibility Tool for Open
Science Robotics. Robobenchmark.eu
Angel P. Del Pobil (Universidad Jaume I, Spain)
Topic: Benchmarking in Robotics and AI.
Enric Cervera (Universidad Jaume I, Spain)
Topic: Virtual Machines, Docker and Containers
Diego Torricelli (CSIC, reproducible-articles-r-articles-short-replication-articles-r-articles-reply-articles)
Topic: Benchmarking in Eurobench
Fabio Bonsignorio (Heron Robots, Italy)
Topic: Epistemological and practical aspects of replication of
experiments and evaluation. The R-Article process in the IEEE
Robotics and Automation Magazine
Peter Corke (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Topic: The Robotics Python Toolbox I
Tobias Fischer(Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Topic: RoboStack: Using the Robot Operating System alongside the Conda and Jupyter Data Science Ecosystems
Jesse Havilland (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Topic: The Robotics Python Toolbox II: Practicalities
Ricardo Tellez (The Construct, Spain)
Topic: Cloud ROS Robot Simulation
Signe A. Redfield (Robotistry.org, Washington, DC, USA)
Topic: Robotistry
Stefano Carpin (University of California Merced, CA, USA)
Gianluca Antonelli, Giuseppe Gillini (Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Italy)
Topic: Robot dynamics identification: a reproducible comparison with experiments on the kinova jaco2. R-article Example 2
Enrica Zereik (CNR-INM, Italy)
Topic: A Simple Visual-Servoing Task on a Low-Accuracy, Low-Cost Arm. R-article Example 3
Francesco Amigoni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Topic: Predicting Slam Performances
Lydia Kavraki (Rice University, TX, USA)
Topic: Benchmarking for Motion Planning
Costantinos Chamzas (Rice University, TX, USA)
Topic: Benchmarking for Motion Planning Practicalities
Students presentations: In order to maximize interaction among
students, they are invited to briefly present their research work with
a viewpoint based on the school topics. For this purpose a 30-min slot
is reserved everyday in the timetable right before the first morning
The list of presenters and the school details
will be updated. Check back soon!